Some randomly found items are a real mystery, which is very difficult to cope with without outside help. No matter how much you twist the object in your hands, it still remains incomprehensible, which is why users from the network created a group on the Reddit website. In it, anyone can ask about found weird things and experts will definitely try to explain and tell everything.
1. What is this?

These are folding hangers, such are used in hiking and traveling
2. What is this concrete structure for? It is clearly abandoned

It was a sewage treatment plant
3. "I found this in the garage among old things. What is it?"

With the help of this contraption, asparagus pods are cut. Like this:

4. What is this huge installation for?

This installation is called a drum-ball mill. These are used to grind solid materials
5. What is this thing? It looks like a chess piece, but it can be taken apart

This is a needle case. There should be a small pad inside that fixes them
6. "Walking along the outskirts of the forest, my wife and I stumbled upon this structure. What could it be?"

This is a corner reflector. They are used to accurately measure distances
7. What is this thing?

This is one type of tea strainer
8. "What is this? I saw it on one of the doors inside the new house?"

It's an old doorbell
9. What is this metal thing?

This item is needed to bend the teeth on hand saws
10. What is this thing? Obviously, it is from the last century

This is a vintage lamp with a cord that could be pulled out

11. "I found this item in my grandmother's kitchen and for some reason immediately thought of ice cream. Is this for making ice cream balls?"

With this device, it is convenient to make meatballs
12. "What is this thing? Is it somehow connected with Egypt? Mom claims that someone gave her this after traveling in Europe"

This is a paperweight with an original style. It is designed to press papers and documents to the table so that they do not fly around the room and mix up