There are so familiar and ordinary little things that we have long been accustomed to, but we don’t know much about them. Today we decided to figure out why some things appeared, what are their advantages and why they are of this shape or color. Let's figure it out together and we'll know a little more.
1. London telephone booths

Why are London phone boxes red? It was invented back in the 1920s for the purpose of practicality. Industrial London and other British cities were full of smog, as well as the fog that all of Britain is famous for, and in order to make it easier to see booths, they began to make them red.
2. Marine vests

Why are marine vests striped? Previously, striped clothing was associated with imprisoned criminals, but Napoleon III changed this. He demanded that the uniforms of the sailors be striped, so that they could be more easily seen against the background of the sails, and also distinguished among the waves overboard.
3. Bomber sleeve pocket

The first jackets that became the prototype of the current bomber jackets were released in 1955 and were used by pilots. They liked the pocket on the sleeve because it was always convenient to put something small in it - keys, coins, a lighter, or a box of matches.
4. Shoulder straps on a trench coat

Initially, jackets similar to the current trench coats with shoulder straps appeared among the soldiers. These shoulder straps did not allow the belt from the rifle to rub the shoulder and spoil the jacket itself. Now they are used by women so that the handles of the handbag do not fall off the shoulder.
5. Red and yellow card

In 1966, there were no cards yet, the violation was reported verbally after the stoppage of the game, but in the match between England and Argentina, one of the players who severely violated the rules did not leave the field. He did not understand the words of the referee, because of which he remained on the field, and a scuffle ensued. After that, cards were introduced as the simplest and most visual system of punishments and warnings.
6. Brass door handles

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc that is self-cleaning. This metal is not afraid of fungi, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms, it destroys them, which is why they are more often used in public institutions.
7. Flared trousers

Flared became fashionable much later after it was introduced in the Navy. Flared trousers were distinguished by their practicality, they can be quickly rolled up, and if a person was overboard, it was much easier to remove them than ordinary trousers.