Watching colorful cartoons on screens is an incredibly exciting process. After all, you seem to be immersed in this world of fairy-tale characters. Have you ever wondered how cartoons are made? Did you know that many of your favorite characters are not just graphics, they are based on real people? Sometimes even demeanor and character traits were borrowed from prototypes. Let's find out who the cartoon characters were and how they looked in real life.
1. Prototypes of cartoon characters appeared back in the distant 1930s. Curly Betty Boop was copied from the actress and singer Helen Kane, adopting her mannerisms and even her speech style

2. In the Disney cartoon “Aladdin”, the main character was based on a young Tom Cruise. Also, the hero was given a little charisma of rapper MC Hammer, who, as you know, adored wide pants

3. And the prototype of the Genie was Robin Williams, who voiced him, having gone far from the prepared script in his improvisations

4. Even Pixar's robot WALL-E needed a prototype. And it was an American film director, actor-comedian, producer Woody Allen. Look closely and you will see this funny resemblance

5. Everyone who watched the cartoon "The Incredibles" remembered the charismatic stylist Edna Mode. However, few people know that this flamboyant character was inspired by the Hollywood brunette costume designer Edith Head

6. The senior fireman of the British ship “Rodney” was chosen as the prototype for the creation of the main character of the cartoon "Papai the Sailor"

7. The creation of the sky-high wealthy Montgomery Burns was inspired by several wealthy people at once. Baron Jacob Rothschild was one of them

8. The main prototype of Ariel was the cutie actress Alyssa Milano, who at the time of the creation of the cartoon was 16 years old (just like the Little Mermaid herself)

9. The green-skinned Shrek is based on the French wrestler Maurice Tiye, who differs from the cartoon character only by the shape of his ears

10. The four vultures in The Jungle Book singing with a Liverpool accent are the Beatles

11. By the characteristic features of the appearance of the hyena from The Lion King, it is quite possible to recognize the famous actress Whoopi Goldberg

12. Randall Boggs from “Monsters, Inc.” is the prototype of American actor Steve Buscemi