Cartoon "Ratatouille" from Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures, 2007 is one of those that you want to review many times. It is not only for children but also for adults. After all, the cartoon is so kind, and sincere, there is so much food and Paris in it. And it also has enough secret ingredients - so-called Easter eggs. These are such hidden surprises, details, clues, hints, little things ... In general, the next time you watch the cartoon, pay attention to ...
1. When Remy enters the kitchen the first time he falls into the sink with soapy water in order not to carry any germs on him

2. The little rat always walks on its hind legs to keep the front legs clean

3. The dog that barks at Remy is the same one that was in the cartoon "Up!"

4. At the end of the cartoon, Antoine Ego has gained a little bit of weight. As he said: “I don’t like food, I love it ... if I don’t like it, then I don’t swallow it”

5. Colette has a stove burn on her wrist, a typical professional chef injury

6. Remy has a toothpaste cap instead of a cup

7. Thimbles were used instead of cups, buttons - instead of plates, and pins - instead of cutlery!

8. When actor Patton Oswalt, speaking for Remy, voiced the scene where the rat hugs his father, he also hugged director Brad Bird to achieve a realistic-sounding voice during the hug

9. Antoine Ego's typewriter is shaped like a skull and his office is shaped like a coffin

10. Remy's ratatouille dish is a real recipe and design by Chef Thomas Keller. It takes at least 4 hours to prepare

11. The animators even drew a green trace from green vegetables on the board where Linguini cut onions. And don't forget about Remy's bite marks on the chef's arm

12. When Linguini gave a "motivational speech" before the arrival of Antoine Ego, the team was visibly tired of listening to him. All because it lasted about 20 minutes, which they did not forget to note on the clock!