From childhood, we hear that helping others is good. We are told this by parents at home, by kindergarten teachers, and teachers at school. And while this does not guarantee that everyone will always support each other, there are many people in the world with big hearts and generous souls. They are always ready to help. However, there are those among us who most need our support, but will never say so. And these are not people. These are the animals that live side by side with us. Today we want to tell you the story of Long Islander Maria Cassano, her father, and how they help stray cats.
It all started a few years ago when Maria spotted a stray cat in her father's backyard. The cat was not alone – she was with kittens. The girl was worried about the tailed guests: what if the mother cat does not have enough food and she will not be able to produce enough milk to feed the kitten? Maria asked her father to shelter the animals and feed them, at least for the first time. For some time, the father resisted, but in the end, he could not resist the pleas of his daughter.

After some time, a neighbor of the father took the baby kitten to her. But, the story didn't end there. Maria and her father enjoyed helping the stray cats and started feeding them regularly. The idea of the Cassano family was very appreciated by the mother cat - the one that brought the kitten. By the way, she received the appropriate nickname - she was nicknamed Mom.
Time passed, and autumn came, which means that the cold is not far off. Now Maria Cassano was sure that homeless cats would not die from hunger, but the risk of freezing did not disappear.
The girl's father was also imbued with the problem and decided to make a cozy house for tailed guests. He ordered all the necessary materials to make the house warm and waterproof - just what you need for rainy autumn or snowy winter. When the house was ready, the man installed it in a quiet place in the backyard.

Shortly after that, Mom brought another kitten. It was then that Maria's father decided that a night vision camera should be installed in the cat house to make sure that the cat and her baby spend every night warm and safe. Father and daughter did not even suspect how many cute pictures they could take.

Maria's next step was to try and catch Mom and her baby so they could take her to the vet for a checkup. As soon as she succeeded, she immediately went to the clinic. Mom was sterilized and vaccinated - a pleasant future awaited her. The doctor's predictions about the kitten were not so rosy: despite the fact that there were people next to him and he spent the night in a house, his chances of surviving the winter were, like himself, extremely small. Therefore, Maria quickly attended to finding him a new home and reliable hands.

Cat Mom was left alone for a very short time. Soon, two black cats appeared in the backyard of the Cassano family. The owners called them Incas and Fincas. Now, this cat trinity lives everywhere together.

What about people? Maria was happy to shelter the animals and take care of them. And her father was so carried away by this idea that he built several more houses for cats. As a result, they have a real cat hotel in the backyard and every cat can stay with them to get their portion of food and warmth.