Animals can be very impressive to our minds. A variety of forms, bright colors, incredible instincts... And not only that. Immortality, running on water, imitation of sounds... Yes, even the superheroes of famous comics will envy some animals and their superpowers. In this photo collection, you will meet the owners of incredible abilities in the animal world.
1. The black swallower, ability – superhunger

This small fish is able to swallow prey twice as large as itself, while the stomach is greatly stretched, and the heart is shifted to the side.
2. Immortal jellyfish

Turritopsis dohrnii is the only jellyfish capable of returning to the polyp stage, transforming with the help of cells specially designed for this process, located both on the surface of the jellyfish's bell and in its circulatory system. Scientists have found that a jellyfish is able to be reborn at any stage of existence and under the influence of various factors from outside, such as hunger, changes in temperature and salinity of water, and trauma to the bell.
3. Flatworm, ability – rebirth

Flatworm will be able to revive its torso, even if it was damaged by 95%.
4. Peregrine falcon, ability – speed

High in the sky, diving in flight, the falcon develops a speed of more than 322 km/h.
5. Sea cucumber, ability – transformation

If it is in danger, sea cucumber changes the state of aggregation and transforms from a solid form of a body into a liquid one and from a liquid into a solid one.
6. Helm-bearing basilisk, ability - to run on water

Thanks to the super-fast motor skills of the legs and tiny weight, the lizard runs through the water up to 400 meters at a speed of 12 km/h.
7. Mountain goat, ability - perfect balance

Due to the small bodyweight, perfect vision, and unusual shape of hooves that do not wear out on the rocks, goats can literally soar on the rocks. They make massive jumps, climbing to the top of steep slopes.
8. Wandering albatross, ability – endurance

The bird is included in the list of the largest birds on the planet. The wingspan reaches 3 meters. The albatross is able to spend the whole day in the air without landing, covering a distance of 1000 kilometers. It is said that some birds during their whole life (10-30 years) fly around the whole earth several times.
9. Lyrebird, ability - imitation of sounds

The sounds that these birds copy are indistinguishable from the source. They can easily reproduce a dog barking, a car alarm, a chainsaw, a crying newborn, and a gunshot. It happened that the birds reproduced the voice of a person.
10. Hyena, ability – omnivorous

Hyena is absolutely unpretentious in the choice of food. They are able to eat anything, and their stomachs can easily digest anything. The jaws of these animals are among the most powerful predators.
11. Japanese mantis shrimp, ability - the brightness of vision

Japanese mantis shrimp has two-branched large compound eyes with 16 types of photoreceptors. They are also able to distinguish between infrared and ultraviolet colors and see linear and circular polarization.
12. Octopus Thaumoctopus mimicus, ability – reincarnation

Octopus is able to imitate the appearance and habits of more than 15 groups of marine inhabitants when threatened by predators. Only this type of octopus has such a superpower.